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Components and Instruments from the Library for McXtrace

Name Origin Author(s) Source code Description
Bending_magnet DTU Physics Erik Knudsen comp Model of a bending magnet source
Source_div Risoe Erik Knudsen comp X-ray source with Gaussian or uniform divergence
Source_flat Risoe Erik Knudsen comp A flat rectangular or circular surface emitting x-rays
Source_gaussian NBI Jana Baltser & Erik Knudsen comp Gaussian cross-section source
Source_genesis13 Risoe Erik B Knudsen comp Interface source for importing GENESIS 1.3 generated X-ray pulses into McXtrace.
Source_simplex Risoe Erik B Knudsen comp Interface source for importing Simplex generated X-ray pulses into McXtrace
Source_spectra Risoe Erik Knudsen comp Specialized X-ray source for reading in SPECTRA 10 source definitions
Undulator DTU Physics Erik B. Knudsen comp Model of an undulator source
Wiggler DTU Physics Erik B. Knudsen comp Model of a wiggler source

Name Origin Author(s) Source code Description
Arm Risoe Kim Lefmann and Kristian Nielsen comp Arm/optical bench
Capillary DTU Physics Erik B Knudsen comp A capillary tube
Chopper_simple Risoe comp Ideal chopper
Filter DTU Physics Erik Knudsen comp Block of an attenuating material
Grating_reflect DTU Erik B Knudsen (erkn@fysik.dtu.dk), Kristian Sorensen and Philip Smith comp A reflective grating.
Grating_trans DTU Physics Erik B Knudsen (erkn@fysik.dtu.dk) comp Transmission grating
Lens_CRL_RTM DTU Physics Erik Knudsen comp 1D CRL stack based on RTM formalism
Lens_Kinoform NBI Jana Baltser and Erik Knudsen comp A model of a specific kinoform
Lens_elliptical NBI Jana Baltser and Erik Knudsen comp A simple X-ray compound refractive lens (CRL)
Lens_parab DTU Physics/NBI Jana Baltser and Erik Knudsen comp Parabolic (2D) CRL stack
Lens_parab_Cyl NBI Jana Baltser and Erik Knudsen comp Cylindrical (1D) CRL stack
Mask DTU Physics Erik Knudsen comp A masking image object
Mirror DTU Physics Erik B Knudsen comp Perfectly flat mirror
Mirror_curved Risoe Erik Knudsen comp A cylindrically curved mirror
Mirror_elliptic Risoe Erik Knudsen comp Idealized elliptic mirror.
Mirror_parabolic Risoe Erik Knudsen comp Idealized parabolic mirror
Mirror_toroid DTU Physics Erik B Knudsen comp Toroidal shape mirror
Multilayer_elliptic NBI Jana Baltser, Peter Willendrup, Anette Vickery, Andrea Prodi, Erik Knudsen comp Elliptic multilayer mirror
Slit DTU Physics Erik Knudsen comp Rectangular/circular slit
Slit_N Risoe Erik Knudsen comp Rectangular/circular slit
TwinKB_ML NBI Jana Baltser, Peter Willendrup, Anette Vickery, Andrea Prodi, Erik Knudsen, Jesper Buch Jensen comp Montel optic model (aka side-by-side Kirkpatrick Baez)
ZonePlate DTU Physics Erik Knudsen comp Zone plate based on Monte Carlo sampling of the Fresnel-Kirchhoff integral

Name Origin Author(s) Source code Description
Abs_objects DTU Physics Erik Knudsen comp Blocks of attenuating material in off format
Absorption_sample Risoe Erik B Knudsen comp Sample component with absorbing materials.
Isotropic_Sqw Synchrotron SOLEIL E. Farhi, V. Hugouvieux comp Isotropic sample handling multiple scattering and absorption for a general S(q,w) (coherent)
Molecule_2state DTU Physics Erik B Knudsen comp Disordered optical-excitable molecule sample.
Polycrystal University of Copenhagen Martin Cramer Pedersen (mcpe@nbi.dk) comp Polycrystal made from single crystal-like voxels
PowderN Risoe P. Willendrup, L. Chapon, K. Lefmann, A.B.Abrahamsen, N.B.Christensen, E.M.Lauridsen. comp General powder sample (N lines, single scattering, incoherent scattering)
SasView_model SasView, DTU, European Spallation Source ERIC Jakob Garde, Torben Nielsen, Peter Willendrup comp
Saxs_spheres DTU Fysik E. B. Knudsen, P. Willendrup, K. Lefmann, L. Arleth comp Sample for Small Angle X-ray Scattering - hard spheres in thin solution, mono disperse.
Single_crystal Risoe Kristian Nielsen comp Mosaic single crystal with multiple scattering vectors, optimised for speed with large crystals and many reflections.

Detectors and monitors
Name Origin Author(s) Source code Description
DivE_monitor DTU Physics Erik B Knudsen comp Divergence/Energy monitor.
DivPos_monitor DTU Physics Erik B Knudsen comp Divergence/position monitor (acceptance diagram).
Divergence_monitor DTU Physics Erik B Knudsen comp Horizontal+vertical divergence monitor.
EPSD_monitor Risoe Erik Knudsen comp Position-sensitive monitor.
E_monitor Risoe Erik Knudsen comp Energy-sensitive monitor.
L_monitor Risoe Kristian Nielsen and Kim Lefmann comp Wavelength-sensitive monitor.
Monitor Risoe Erik Knudsen comp Energy-sensitive monitor.
Monitor_Sqw SOLEIL Emmanuel Farhi comp This component is a Sqw Monitor that records the dynamic structure factor S(q,w) from a scattering location, seen from a detector location.
Monitor_nD ILL Emmanuel Farhi, Modified for xray use by: Erik B Knudsen comp This component is a general Monitor that can output 0/1/2D signals (Intensity or signal vs. [something] and vs. [something] ...)
PSD_monitor Risoe Erik B Knudsen comp Position-sensitive monitor.
PSD_monitor_4PI Risoe Erik Knudsen comp Spherical position-sensitive detector.
PSD_monitor_coh Risoe Erik Knudsen comp Position-sensitive monitor with phase intergration.
Phi_monitor DTU Physics Erik B Knudsen comp Phase-sensitive monitor.
PreMonitor_nD ILL (France) Emmanuel Farhi comp Xray parameters spatial cross-correlation monitor.
TOF_monitor DTU Physics Erik B Knudsen comp Rectangular Time-of-flight monitor.
W_psd_monitor Risoe Erik Knudsen comp Position-sensitive wattage monitor.

Union components
Name Origin Author(s) Source code Description
Incoherent_process ESS DMSC & DTU Physics Mads Bertelsen and Erik B Knudsen comp A sample component to separate geometry and phsysics
Template_process ESS DMSC & DTU Physics Mads Bertelsen and Erik B Knudsen comp Template for a new contributor to create their own physical process.
Union_box ESS DMSC & DTU Physics Mads Bertelsen and Erik B Knudsen comp A sample component to separate geometry and physics
Union_cylinder ESS DMSC & DTU Physics Mads Bertelsen and Erik B Knudsen comp A sample component to separate geometry and physics
Union_make_material ESS DMSC & DTU Physics Mads Bertelsen and Erik B Knudsen comp Material description in a Union.
Union_master ESS DMSC & DTU Physics Mads Bertelsen and Erik B Knudsen comp The Master Union assembles specifications (e.g. processes, materials, geometries).
Union_sphere ESS DMSC & DTU Physics Mads Bertelsen and Erik B Knudsen comp A sample component to separate geometry and physics

AstroX components
Name Origin Author(s) Source code Description
Pore_c comp
Pore_h DTU Physics, DTU Space Erik B Knudsen and Desiree D. M. Ferreira comp Single Pore as part of the Silicon Pore Optics (SPO) as envisioned for the ATHENA+ space telescope.
Pore_p DTU Physics, DTU Space Erik B Knudsen and Desiree D. M. Ferreira comp Single Pore as part of the Silicon Pore Optics (SPO) as envisioned for the ATHENA+ space telescope.
Shell_c DTU Physics, DTU Space Erik B Knudsen and Desiree D. M. Ferreira comp Single conical shell as part of a Wolter optic.
Shell_h DTU Physics, DTU Space Erik B Knudsen and Desiree D. M. Ferreira comp Single Pore as part of the Silicon Pore Optics (SPO) as envisioned for the ATHENA+ space telescope.
Shell_p DTU Physics, DTU Space Erik B Knudsen and Desiree D. M. Ferreira comp Single parabolic shell as part of a Wolter optic.
Source_extended Technical University of Denmark Arne 'S Jegers comp A plane source emitting x-rays to emulate a distant extended source, such as a nebula or galaxy

Name Origin Author(s) Source code Description
Air DTU Fysik, NBI M. B. Nielsen comp Component simulating atmospheric air.
Focus ESRF Carsten Detlefs, hacked from slit.comp comp Turn a photon into a Huygens wavelet. To be used with the SPLIT keyword.
MCPL_input DTU Physics Erik B Knudsen comp Source-like component that reads photon state parameters from an mcpl-file.
MCPL_output comp
Progress_bar ILL Emmanuel Farhi comp A simulation progress bar
Scatter_log_iterator DTU Physics Erik B Knudsen comp Iteration element for a Scatter_log
Scatter_log_iterator_stop DTU Physics Erik B Knudsen comp Iteration stop element for a Scatter_log
Scatter_logger DTU Physics / DTU Nutech Erik B Knudsen, Peter K Willendrup & Esben Klinkby comp Logging iteractions of photons with components
Scatter_logger_stop DTU Physics / DTU Nutech Erik B Knudsen, Peter K Willendrup & Esben Klinkby comp Stop logging iteractions of photons with components
Shadow_input Risoe/ILL Andrea Prodi comp Read x-ray state parameters from SHADOW x-ray event file.
Shadow_output Risoe/ILL Andrea Prodi comp Write x-ray state parameters to SHADOW x-ray event file.
Shape ILL E. Farhi comp A geometric shape without effect on photons, for instrument display purpose.

Contributed components
Name Origin Author(s) Source code Description
Attenuating_mask DTU Physics Matteo Busi, Erik B Knudsen comp Attenuating_mask
Bragg_crystal_BC Marcus H. Mendenhall, NIST, Gaithersburg, MD, USA Marcus H Mendenhall, NIST comp * * Perfect, reflecting crystal with common cubic structures (diamond, fcc, or bcc, and others if symmetry form factor multipliers provided explicitly) * *
Bragg_crystal_bent_BC Marcus H. Mendenhall, NIST, Gaithersburg, MD, USA Marcus H Mendenhall, NIST comp * * Bent, perfect, reflecting crystal with common cubic structures (diamond, fcc, or bcc, and others if symmetry form factor multipliers provided explicitly) * *
Detector_pn NBI, KU Maria Thomsen (mariath@fys.ku.dk) comp Block of a attenuating material
Laue_crystal_BC Marcus H. Mendenhall, NIST, Gaithersburg, MD, USA Marcus H Mendenhall, NIST comp * * Perfect, laue crystal with common cubic structures (diamond, fcc, or bcc, and others if symmetry form factor multipliers provided explicitly) * *
Mirror_toroid_pothole DTU Physics Erik B Knudsen comp Toroidal shape mirror
Reflective_grating DTU Kristian Soerensen and Philip Smith (s154443@win.dtu.dk) comp A reflective grating.
SAXSCylinders KU-Science Martin Cramer Pedersen (mcpe@nbi.dk) comp A sample of monodisperse cylindrical particles in solution.
SAXSEllipticCylinders KU-Science Martin Cramer Pedersen (mcpe@nbi.dk) comp A sample of monodisperse cylindrical particles with elliptic cross section in solution.
SAXSLiposomes KU-Science Martin Cramer Pedersen (mcpe@nbi.dk) comp A sample of polydisperse liposomes in solution (water).
SAXSNanodiscs KU-Science Martin Cramer Pedersen (mcpe@nbi.dk) comp A sample of monodisperse phospholipid bilayer nanodiscs in solution (water).
SAXSNanodiscsFast KU-Science Martin Cramer Pedersen (mcpe@nbi.dk) comp A sample of monodisperse phospholipid bilayer nanodiscs in solution (water).
SAXSNanodiscsWithTags KU-Science Martin Cramer Pedersen (mcpe@nbi.dk) comp A sample of monodisperse phospholipid bilayer nanodiscs in solution (water) - with histidine tag still on the belt proteins.
SAXSNanodiscsWithTagsFast KU-Science Martin Cramer Pedersen (mcpe@nbi.dk) comp A sample of monodisperse phospholipid bilayer nanodiscs in solution (water) - with histidine tag still on the belt proteins.
SAXSPDB KU-Science Martin Cramer Pedersen (mcpe@nbi.dk) and Soren Kynde (kynde@nbi.dk) comp A sample describing a thin solution of proteins. This components must be compiled with the -lgsl and -lgslcblas flags (and possibly linked to the appropriate libraries).
SAXSPDBFast KU-Science Martin Cramer Pedersen (mcpe@nbi.dk) and Soren Kynde (kynde@nbi.dk) comp A sample describing a thin solution of proteins using linear interpolation to increase computational speed. This components must be compiled with the -lgsl and -lgslcblas flags (and possibly linked to the appropriate libraries).
SAXSQMonitor KU-Science Martin Cramer Pedersen (mcpe@nbi.dk) comp A circular detector measuring the radial average of intensity as a function of the momentum transform in the sample.
SAXSShells KU-Science Martin Cramer Pedersen (mcpe@nbi.dk) comp A sample of monodisperse shell-like particles in solution.
SAXSSpheres KU-Science Martin Cramer Pedersen (mcpe@nbi.dk) comp A sample of monodisperse spherical particles in solution.

Obsolete (avoid usage whenever possible)
Name Origin Author(s) Source code Description
Lens_parab_Cyl_rough Jana Baltser and Erik Knudsen comp
Lens_parab_rough Jana Baltser and Erik Knudsen comp

Instrument Examples
Name Origin Author(s) Source code Description
ATHENA_1mm DTU Physics/DTU Space Erik B Knudsen & Desiree D. M. Ferreira (email) instr Single pore version of the ATHENA SPO-optic in use as telescope.
ATHENA_1pore DTU Physics/DTU Space Erik B Knudsen & Desiree D. M. Ferreira (email) instr Single pore version of the ATHENA SPO-optic in use as telescope.
ATHENA_1ring DTU Physics/DTU Space Erik B Knudsen & Desiree D. M. Ferreira (email) instr Single pore version of the ATHENA SPO-optic in use as telescope.
ATHENA_1sh_W1_OA DTU Physics/DTU Space Erik B Knudsen & Desiree D. M. Ferreira (email) instr Single shell model of the ATHENA SPO-optic in use as telescope.
ATHENA_1sh_both DTU Physics/DTU Space Erik B Knudsen & Desiree D. M. Ferreira (email) instr Single shell model of the ATHENA SPO-optic in use as telescope.
ATHENA_1sh_conical DTU Physics/DTU Space Erik B Knudsen & Desiree D. M. Ferreira (email) instr Single shell model of the ATHENA SPO-optic in use as telescope.
ATHENA_1shell DTU Physics/DTU Space Erik B Knudsen & Desiree D. M. Ferreira (email) instr Single shell model of the ATHENA SPO-optic in use as telescope.
ATHENA_1mm DTU Physics/DTU Space Erik B Knudsen & Desiree D. M. Ferreira (email) instr Single pore version of the ATHENA SPO-optic in use as telescope.
ATHENA_cfgA_1mm_FEMd DTU Physics/DTU Space Erik B Knudsen & Desiree D. M. Ferreira (email) instr Single pore version of the ATHENA SPO-optic in use as telescope.
Airport_scannerII DTU Physics E. B. Knudsen (erkn@fysik.dtu.dk) instr Example instrument to display how to use the absorption multiobject component.
Be_BM_beamline Risø DTU E. Knudsen (erkn@risoe.dtu.dk) instr Be-lens Bending Magnet, Low Budget Monochromatic (pink) X-ray beamline
CXO DTU Physics Erik B Knudsen (erkn@fysik.dtu.dk) instr Chandra X-ray Opbservatory CXO
ESRF_BM29 KU-Science Martin Cramer Pedersen (mcpe@nbi.dk) instr ESRF BM29 SAXS beamline model
ESRF_ID01 University of Copenhagen Martin Cramer Pedersen (mcpe@nbi.dk) instr Nano-diffraction imaging beamline at ESRF, Grenoble
ESRF_ID11 Risø DTU E. B. Knudsen (erkn@fysik.dtu.dk) instr Model of the ESRF ID11 Transfocator based beamline.
Focal_pt_monitor DTU Physics Erik B Knudsen (erkn@fysik.dtu.dk) instr Template for creating a focal point monitor.
JJ_SAXS Risø DTU. Erik Knudsen (erkn@risoe.dtu.dk) instr Crude model of a laboratory SAXS-instrument mimicking the type sold by SAXSlab/JJ-Xray Systems.
MAXII_711 DTU Physics Erik B Knudsen (erkn@fysik.dtu.dk) instr Powder diffraction beamline
MAXIV_Bloch DTU Physics Kristian Soerensen and Philip Smith (s154443@win.dtu.dk) instr Bloch high resolution photoelectron spectroscopy beamline under development at the MAX IV synchrotron.
MAXIV_DanMAX_pxrd1d DTU Physics Erik B Knudsen (erkn@fysik.dtu.dk) instr DanMAX Powder diffraction/Imaging beamline being designed at MAX IV.
MAXIV_DanMAX_pxrd2d DTU Physics Erik B Knudsen (erkn@fysik.dtu.dk) instr DanMAX Powder diffraction/Imaging beamline being designed at MAX IV.
MAXIV_FemtoMAX DTU Physics Erik B Knudsen (erkn@fysik.dtu.dk) instr Simulation of the FemtoMAX short pulse facility at MAX IV laboratory
NBI_Lab_TOMO Your institution Erik B Knudsen and M Thomsen instr Laboratory tomography setup at NBI
NSLS2_CHX NBI, BNL Jana Baltser instr Coherent hard x-ray beamline @ NSLS II
NuSTAR_1shell DTU Physics/DTU Space Erik B Knudsen & Desiree D. M. Ferreira (email) instr Single shell model of the NuSTAR-optic in use as telescope.
NuSTAR_1shell_con DTU Physics/DTU Space Erik B Knudsen & Desiree D. M. Ferreira (email) instr Single shell model of the NuSTAR-optic in use as telescope.
PBD_BT Your institution Marcus H. Mendenhall (marcus.mendenhall@nist.gov) instr Mockup of 219/B004 PBD
Pump_probe DTU Fysik Erik B Knudsen instr Design study of a pump and probe type instrument. The sample is an excitable molecule Instrument short description
Pump_probe_solvent DTU Fysik Erik B Knudsen instr Design study of a pump and probe type instrument. The sample is an excitable molecule
SAXS_saxlab instr Model of a x-ray tube based SAXS instrument built by SAXSLAB.
SOLEIL_MARS SOLEIL IGUILIZ Salah-Eddine, MENUT Denis and FARHI Emmanuel. instr The MARS beam-line at Synchrotron SOLEIL.
SOLEIL_PX2a Synchrotron SOLEIL M. Savko and E. Farhi instr The PROXIMA-2a MX beam-line at Synchrotron SOLEIL.
SOLEIL_ROCK SOLEIL Stephane Bac, Antoine Padovani, Emmanuel Farhi instr ROCK beam-line at SOLEIL
Simple_1shell DTU Physics/DTU Space Erik B Knudsen & Desiree D. M. Ferreira (email) instr Single shell model of a true Wolter Type I optic
Template_1Slit_Diff DTU Physics Erik B Knudsen (erkn@fysik.dtu.dk) instr An example instrument showing single slit diffraction
Template_2Slit_Diff DTU Physics Erik B Knudsen (erkn@fysik.dtu.dk) instr An example instrument showing a Young's double slit experiment
Template_DCM DTU Physics Erik B Knudsen instr Template for a vertically defleting DCM
Template_Johann_spec DTU Physics Erik B Knudsen (erkn@fysik.dtu.dk) instr Template instrument for a curved crystal Johann-spectrometer
Template_SasView DTU Physics / ESS DMSC Torben Nielsen instr Test instrument for the SasView_model component. No optics. etc.
Template_Scatter_log_losses DTU Fysik Erik B Knudsen (erkn@fysik.dtu.dk) instr Example instrument of Scatter_logger feature usage for detection of lost instensity
Test_Absorption Synchrotron SOLEIL E. Farhi (emmanuel.farhi@synchrotron-soleil.fr) instr Example instrument to compare material absorption components.
Test_Air DTU Physics Erik B Knudsen (erkn@fysik.dtu.dk) instr Unit test for the Air component
Test_BM DTU Physics Erik B Knudsen (erkn@fysik.dtu.dk) instr Test instrument for the Bending_magnet component
Test_CRL DTU Physics Erik B Knudsen (erkn@fysik.dtu.dk) instr Unit test instrument for various lens components.
Test_Detector_pn DTU Physics Erik B Knudsen instr Unit test for Detector_pn
Test_Filter Risø DTU Erik Knudsen (erkn@risoe.dtu.dk) instr Test instrument for checking the Filter.comp component
Test_GROUP DTU Erik Knudsen, Peter Willendrup instr Tests that GROUP logic works as expected
Test_MCPL_input DTU Erik B Knudsen instr A test instrument for MCPL_input
Test_MCPL_output DTU Erik B Knudsen instr A test instrument for MCPL_output
Test_ML_elliptic Your institution Your name (email) instr Unit test instrument for Multilayer_elliptic
Test_Mask DTU Physics Erik B Knudsen (erkn@fysik.dtu.dk) instr A unit test instrument of the Mask component
Test_Mirror_toroid DTU Physics Erik B Knudsen (erkn@fysik.dtu.dk) instr Unit test instrument to check that Mirrror_toroid is working
Test_Mono NBI,Risø DTU Physics A. Vickery, A. Prodi and E. Knudsen instr Compares intensities of Monochromator components.
Test_PowderN DTU Physics Erik B Knudsen (erkn@fysik.dtu.dk) instr Unit-test instrument for the PowderN sample component. Simply a model source illuminating a powder sample. The sample itself is an Fe-powder.
Test_SX Synchrotron Soleil E. Farhi instr Unit-test instrument for the Single_crystal sample component.
Test_Saxs_spheres DTU Physics Erik B Knudsen (erkn@fysik.dtu.dk) instr Test instrument for the Saxs_spheres sample component. Simply a model source illuminating a Saxs_spheres sample. The spheres are nominally made from Be in non-absorbing solution.
Test_Source_quasi DTU Fysik Erik B Knudsen (erkn@fysik.dtu.dk) instr Test instrument to show that the quasi-stcohastic source component works
Test_Sources DTU Fysik Erik B Knudsen (erkn@fysik.dtu.dk) instr Test instrument to show that the source components work
Test_Sqw DTU E. Farhi instr Test output of Isotropic_Sqw on a spherical monitor.
Test_capillary DTU Physics E. B: Knudsen instr Unit test instrument for the capillary tube component.
Test_grating_reflect Synchrotron Soleil Stephane Bac, Antoine Padovani instr Unit-test instrument for the Grating reflect component. Simply a bending magnet illuminating a reflection grating.
Test_grating_trans DTU Physics Erik B Knudsen (erkn@fysik.dtu.dk) instr Template/test instrument for Grating_trans
Test_mirror_elliptic Synchrotron Soleil instr Unit-test instrument for the Mirror_elliptic component. Simply a flat source illuminating an elliptical mirror. Try distance_from_source = 1 (rays reflected back towards the center) distance_from_source = 0.5 (rays reflected back in a parallel-like fashion)
Test_mirror_parabolic DTU Physics Erik B Knudsen (erkn@fysik.dtu.dk) instr Unit test instrument for Mirror_parabolic
Test_monitors DTU Physics Erik B Knudsen (erkn@fysik.dtu.dk) instr Unit test instrument for various monitors.
Test_shells DTU Physics/DTU Space Erik B Knudsen & Desiree D. M. Ferreira (email) instr Single shell model of a true Wolter Type I optic
Test_source_lab DTU Physics Erik B Knudsen instr Unit test instrument for the Source_lab component
Test_source_spectra DTU Physics Erik B Knudsen (erkn@fysik.dtu.dk) instr Test instrument for the Source_spectra component
Test_undulator DTU Physics Erik B Knudsen instr Unit test instrument for the Undulator component
Union_geom_demo Riso DTU E. B. Knudsen (erkn@fysik.dtu.dk) instr An example using Union with different materials and geometries.
Union_incoherent Riso DTU E. B. Knudsen (erkn@fysik.dtu.dk) instr An example using Union with incoherent scattering
XFEL_SPB DTU Fysik Erik B Knudsen (erkn@fysik.dtu.dk) instr European XFEL SPB beamline (on SASE1)
glitches_energy Synchrotron Soleil instr Simulating the beamline 11-2 of SSRL to reproduce their glitches database. The source is chosen to not be white in this instrument to increase the detected photons, another .instr has a white source.
glitches_energy Synchrotron Soleil instr Simulating the beamline 11-2 of SSRL to reproduce their glitches database.
template_body_simple instr

Local components
Name Origin Author(s) Source code Description

Local instruments
Name Origin Author(s) Source code Description

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Generated on 2023-12-19 19:37:45