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McXtrace - An X-ray ray-trace simulation package

Synchrotron SOLEIL DTU Physics


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McXtrace: Source_gaussian

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The Source_gaussian Component

Gaussian cross-section source


  • Site:
  • Author: Jana Baltser & Erik Knudsen
  • Origin: NBI
  • Date: April, 2011.


A simple source model emitting photons from a gaussian distribution in the X-Y plane with the specified
standard deviations and divergence. A square target centered on the beam (Z-axis)
may be used to restrict the beam to that aperture. If no target aperture is given the full gaussian cross-section is used.
Further, the beam is restricted to emit photons between E0+-dE keV, or lambda0+-dlambda, whichever is given, if a spectrum_file
is not specified, in which case the contents of the file dictates the emitted spectrum.

Example: Source_gaussian(sig_x=10e-6,sig_y=10e-6,dist=15,sigPr_x=9e-6, sigPr_y=9e-6,E0=12.5, dE=0.1)

Input parameters

Parameters in boldface are required; the others are optional.
spectrum_file File from which to read the spectral intensity profile"NULL"
sig_xmHorizontal standard deviation of source (rms source size).1
sig_ymVertical standard deviation of source (rms source size).0
sigPr_xradAngular horizontal divergence0
sigPr_yradAngular vertical divergence0
flux Scaling factor to set the total emitted unrestricted flux.1
brilliance Unit in spectrum_file is Brilliance - apply corrections to get to raw flux.0
distmDistance from source plane to sampling window.1
gauss Gaussian (1) or uniform (0) spectrum profile.0
focus_xwmWidth of sampling window dist m downstream from source to allow focused sampling.0
focus_yhmHeight of sampling window dist m downstream from source to allow focused sampling.0
E0keVCentre of emitted energy spectrum (overrides spectrum_file)0
dEkevHalf-width (or std. dev.) of emitted energy spectrum.0
lambda0AACentre of emitted wavelength spectrum.0
dlambdaAAHalf-width (or std. dev.) of emitted wavelength spectrum.-1
phase The initial phase of the photons.0
randomphase If nonzero phase is random (incoherent radiation), otherwise it is set to the value of phase1


[ Identification | Description | Input parameters | Links ]

Generated on 2023-12-19 19:49:14

Last Modified: Thursday, 16-May-2024 15:56:17 CEST
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